Friday, December 12, 2008

Pants? Yes!

So here is this amazingly talented person I met on my preliminary journeys into the rest of my life.

His name is Sasa Kovacevic, he is based in Berlin, Germany.

here is his blurb about his line : Sadak

The whole concept is based on tradition, ethnography, anthropology, history, and clothing. I incorporated a variety of ideational elements from proceeding periods, together with the clothing features of the period when they were made and worn, often using the mystical and poetic stories.
Sadak is the ancient name for a traditional sleeveless jacket worn in some regions of the Balkans. The preserved magical meaning of sadak in its original oral and visual context is transformed and adapted to contemporary reality, becoming independent through the development or construction of forms, figures, motifs, magical objects, statements, temporal codes of society, space, objects and functions of protagonists.
Sadak is this name for a label which deals with clothing, which is distinguishable not only by whom they are made but also by their artistic and aesthetic value. The collections, which embrace a system of signs, symbols and beliefs from their original homeland also comprise elements of tribal and local beliefs, influences of different religions, traces of clothing taken and transformed into a new interpretation which have remained in narrative, visual harmony, artistic character and aesthetic value.


check the site

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