Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Friends...how many of us have them...

I am always interested in the relationship between friendships and enterprising support. Not many friends want to do their actual part in the initial jump-off, whether you have a blog and you need them to read it on the daily, if you are a performer and you need them to come out and pay money for your show, if you sell wares and you need people to support your crafts, etc., it is not going to happen if you rely solely on your friends. It happens all the time, to a lot of people, I am not going to say I am only on one side of the fence. Like TreZure the Empress (www.myspace.com/trezuretheempress) says, I am not looking for friends to support me; I am looking to fans. When people genuinely see where you are coming from, without the ties of familiarity, they will support you based on their relationship to your genius. It is just the nature of the game.

No one knows whether or not their wings are going to carry them until they have already jumped out of the nest. Then it is Fly or Die, as N.E.R.D. so eloquently put it (btw sooo excited for Seeing Sounds, their third album).

I go for what I know and keep it like that...rewards will follow.

So, even if I am my own known audience right now, I make it work and keep dropping these posts like they are hot.


des said...

True. Just wanted you to know someone is reading.

TreZure Empire said...

aooooww. thanks for the shout!