Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The Only Purpose 'Leaked' Music/ Illegal Downloads Serve....

Listen to The Zone 4 remix to Gwen Stefani's Luxurious:

This was a leaked version of the song. The track was made by Polow tha Don for a 'Luxurious' remix, however, Stefani and/or her label rejected the song. As a result Polow was able to shop the song to Fergie WITH Ludacris' verse already on it (hence why it sounds like it fits with Stefani's song so much better). It worked out great for Polow because he scored a couple of more tracks on 'The Dutchess'. Fortunately for me and the few other people I am able to get to listen to the original, the general population missed out on a true gem. Hopefully when you listen to the original version, 'Luxurious Zone 4 remix' you will understand why the Glamorous, ooh flossy flossy sucks major ass. I do not hate Fergie, simply, because I am not out to knock hustles but I am saying, give me a dope track, an outfit from American Apparel and I can probably get a hit as well.

Fergie's Glamorous aka Methalicious

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