Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Hide out to Ride out

This past Saturday, my brother,, and I decided to go out for a wine open bar as the after party for his friend's roommate's showing of her new collection. (I went to their show at Pink Elephant for Fashion Week in February,, their link to their lookbook, and subsequently their website, is

After verifying the address and hopstopping, we, my brother and I get ready to hit Chinatown. All, I have to say is thank goodness for the neighborhood maps and cardinal directions. When we arrive at Doyers Street, a small street with a crook leading you from Bowery to another alley way looking street, it looked like we took a wrong turn somewhere. My brother said he always thinks he will get ninja-starred to death in Chinatown. If it were to be anywhere, this street was the place. I just got a flashback to one of my favourite movies, Death to Smoochy, where Spinner gets killed and dumped in a street that resembled this one. 

Tangential? I know. Sorry? No. 

Anyway... the address of the venue, Apotheke, has us standing in front of a well maintained yet closed Chinese restaurant. The doors, solid wood, were uncharacteristic of a restaurant of that nature but still did not betray what was lying behind them. After looking around an empty street, we venture inside. A subdued setting with red lighting, hinting at a den of sin or secrecy, with four men in labcoats standing behind a bar. My brother and I were the only black people in there and I decided to wear black jeans, a white tee and construction timbs. But, it wasn't that awkward. An amazing ambience and a menu of drinks that will liken themselves to a bucket list. I do urge you to give it a try.

Here is a link to ther drink menu...

Look into it. 

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