Wednesday, July 30, 2008


For one, I bought this awesome eyeliner yesterday and I lost it. How do I feel? Pissed. Tighter than a virgin.

Back to the situation at hand... people stay consistent and it is up to us, as individuals, to allow these people to continue to perpetuate their ridiculousness in our lives. This applies to everybody, present parties included. However there are different degrees. I am all for being selfish when it comes to personal happiness within the boundaries of reason and rationale. In any other case there are certain social responsibilities when love is a factor. Not romantic love, but friendships and preceding circumstances which help to form the present. At times, we are blinded because we just want to love our friends/ lovers unconditionally and we know how great they are, it outshines their flaws and nascent tendencies. It is way beyond our control, but we then place ourselves in positions to be disappointed because for once, we would have rathered the outcome to be different from all the previous ones. But people do not change because we change, and people do not always change everything about them. It is a process and our personal projections do not manifest into reality just because we see it as the most logical. Not to mention, people do not always tell the whole story and if that is something we know, then why be surprised? It is what it is.

It is up to me to decide before this whole ordeal is over, whatever it is, what my response is going to be ranging from the best case to the worst case scenario. If my love outweighs my disappointment, then I am going to have to eat that (no homo). If it does not, then I have some pounds to shed, and that is just what it is. Just because you are good friend to someone does not mean there is reciprocity or that you are a good friend to someone else.

That is a different topic I will broach later on.

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