Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The Ephemeral Yet Eternal

"I'm still what I was, and you'll always see it, and you'll always grant
me the same response, even if there's a greater one that you grant to
another man. No matter what you feel for him, it will not change what you
feel for me, and it won't be treason to either, because it comes from the
same root, it's the same payment in answer to the same values. No
matter what happens in the future, we'll always be what were were to each
other, you and I, because you'll always love me."
- Francisco D'Aconia in Atlas Shrugged

Although this is the second time I am reading this epic novel in its entirety, this quote made more of an impact as I am not just looking to finish, but internalize the philosophies of the book. 

Without the anchor to ground and solidify the wraith-like thoughts  necessary to move forward, it becomes difficult to identify one's emotional reality in the effort to grow and finally move-on. The what-if's will always occur but, as acute transitions, and not wistful aspects of a declining reality. It is ok to always love someone, and have the notion reciprocated without accusations of arrested development. It is to know that it is in fact true and that I am not delusional of a shared past and future although they may not mirror each other ever. Rather, reflect the causes and effects with the love and appreciation unchanged. Sometimes, to have that is enough to love someone else to the best of my abilities if my past can be validated as verity.

Now, I am free and assured that it is not an anchor to my being rather a nod to my emotional testimony.

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