Friday, December 12, 2008

I am saying, though

This may be a very selfish statement on my part; I will stand behind it because I said it.

I understand that the Holiday season is about giving- if it isn t about God. In the words of my brilliant sister: I like Christmas, because I like receiving gifts... oh, and Jesus.

I say all of this to say... Truth be told,if you only do your giving on the holidays because you feel you are supposed to and it is the only way you can enjoy your crunk festivities without having that Salvation Army Santa ring ting tingaling in the back of your mind then, this may not be for you, since your giving is based on some sort of social obligation and guilt.

All I am saying is, I am not doing Secret Santa or anything where I am buying gifts for people that I did not; live with, take a bath with, share a bed with, eat from, or live under the same roof, in my parent's name. Really, I was not going to get you a gift this year anyway. And for all of those that do fit into the former, they already understand that my love is the greatest gift of all. I mean hello Jeezy's third album, anyone?

Call me a grinch if you want. Even he didn t buy the shit, he just gave BACK what he took, and they were greatly appreciative and everyone broke even. They were even happy without their shit. SO... if I saved myself the trouble of stealing your Christmas, I figure, hey, let's just not and say we did.

Think about it.

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